Ongoing personal project.
I got into photography by accident. It was a hot summer in Madrid and I came across an old film camera the same week I saw advertised a photography workshop. I was fifteen and the only knowledge I had about photography was my father's persistance that I looked at the images from a different angle other than the conventional one, capturing and unveiling details from my very own point of view; telling something new and unique in every picture I took.
In 2013 I went to live for a few months to Dominican Republic. Soon after I arrived on the island, I had the opportunity to work as an art director assistant in a short film. While I was waiting for the rest of the team to arrive to the set, the owner of the house made coffee and we started chatting. I took out my camera and, for the first time, I realised I could learn more from the people and their cultures by looking at them through the lens.
Through the glass is a photographic series that explores current cultural landscapes in the countries I have been able to call home. Images have been taken in New York City, Sto. Domingo, Paris, London, and Madrid.